0blivion2:(EGGDROP.txt):15/03/2000 << Back To 0blivion2

_____________________________________________________ / Oblivion Underground Magazine \ / Issue 2 15/04/2000 \ ▌ Installing Eggdrop 1.4.2 ▌ \ by Slider / \_____________________________________________________/ Installing Eggdrop1.4.2 onto your Shell Account by Cyber0ptix Introduction. Well I hope you have all seen that we have set up our IRC channel #oblivionmag on EFnet! Well during setting this channel up I was looking around for a bot that we could use to 'run' the channel. Well I eventually stumbled on Eggdrop and decided to set it up and see what it was like. Well It has everything that you could ever want. Here are some of the main features I have found out about Eggdrop so far.... 1) Has a 'perty line' which lets all users chat via the bot. 2) Protects your channel from floods. 3) DCC Chat console for issuing commands. 4) Users can have multiple HOSTS to allow them to connect from different locations. (e.g. Work, School, College, Home). 5) Telenet Access to the bots console. 6) TCL scripts can be added easily. 7) Very easy to set up, once you know what your doing. 8) Basic channel events such as auto-op and auto-voice. 9) Can totally change the look of the console. 10)Can be linked to other bots to make a 'botnet' So I have decided to try and write the definitive guide to setting up, using, administering and upgrading Eggdrop that is available. This may well be an on going project so expect additions and more files in later issues of Oblivion Underground Magazine. Wanna Ask questions? Then come down to #oblivionmag on EFnet and have a chat! What do you need to use Eggdrop? To use Eggdrop you will need: 1) A Shell Account - You will need one that lets you run Eggdrop, all of the free shell accounts do not let you run Eggdrop so you will have to purchase one unless you have one through your ISP on somewhere else. 2) Pretty good knowledge of IRC and UNIX. You will have to be familiar with compiling programs on your shell account. 3) About 500K of disk space on your shell account. Maybe more for later versions. 4) The TCL Libraries will have to be installed on your shell. Most systems should have these ready installed. If they aren't installed then you can download them and install them yourself as you dont have to be root! Right so how do you install it? Well Installation is a fairly simply process. As long as your shell account lets you run Eggdrop you should find that it will compile with no errors and probably run perfectly well first time. Right first off you have to get the source for Eggdrop. The easiest way is to telnet to your Shell account and FTP from their to ftp.eggheads.org and download it straight to your shell. This is how you would do that. $ftp ftp.eggheads.org <- Command to FTP to Eggheads Server Login as User 'anonymous' Password 'you@yourdaomin.com' Right so you are connected to the FTP server. Next you have to get into the right directory to download the file. ftp>cd /pub/eggdrop/GNU OK so if you type 'ls' you can get a list of the files in the directory. The one we want to download is 'eggdrop1.4.2.tar.gz'. So to get this file first change to binary download mode and then get the file. ftp>binary ftp>get eggdrop1.4.2.tar.gz At this point you should be downloading the file to your shell account. Now disconnect from the FTP server by using the command 'quit' ftp>quit Right so now to unpack the distribution. Files for unix are using compressed using gzip and/or tar. This file has been tar'ed then gzip'ed. You can tell this because of the extension .tar.gz Right first off unzip the tar file. $gunzip eggdrop1.4.2.tar.gz Right now if you 'ls' you will see you have a file called 'eggdrop1.4.2.tar' Now we have to untar this file. $tar -xf eggdrop 1.4.2.tar *NOTE* The -xf means x-Extract and f-File *NOTE* Right now we can remove the tar file as we have finished with that. $rm eggdrop1.4.2.tar Now change into the directory 'eggdrop1.4.2' which the untar just created. $cd eggdrop1.4.2 Now we need to configure how the Eggdrop files will be compiled. This is simple. Just issue the command './configure' $./configure Right now we need to actually compile the source files. To do this we use the command 'make' $make This can take upto about 5 minutes, but should only take around 2 mins on most systems. OK so now we have compiled the executable files in the directory 'egdrop1.4.2'. Now we actually want to install it into a directory for us to use. $make install DEST=/home/users/eggdrop <-change to your homedir + /eggdrop!! Move the documentation and Sample config file over to your installation directory is a good idea as you may well need it in future!!! $mv docs ../eggdrop $mv eggdrop.dist.conf ../eggdrop $cd .. <- To get back to your home directory Now we need to remove the 'eggdrop1.4.2' directory. Type the following. $rm -r eggdrop1.4.2 OK Time to start configuring your bot. First off you will want to get into your eggdrops directory as this is where everything about your bot is stored.. $cd eggdrop now you need to edit the config file. I would recommend keeping a copy of the default config file and editing another version. Simply copy the file to a new version $cp eggdrop.dist.conf <botname>.conf <-<botname> is the name of your bot OK now to configure how your bot will operate on your channel.. Well guess what? I'm gonna leave that entirely upto you. If you edit your .conf file it tells you what each command does. So go ahead and get editing I will be including a guide to configuring your bot in next months Oblivion so keep an eye out for that. Now you will be wanting to give your Bot a test run. OK here we go... $eggdrop <botname>.conf This should get your bot up and running... now join the channel and type the following /msg <botname> hello This will set you up as the bots owner so you have all access rights. Now you want to set a password. /msg <botname> <username> PASS <yourpassword> Right now DCC Chat the bot, enter your password and type .help This will bring up the online help. READ IT! Hope you have all got your Eggdrops installed and are awaiting next months addition to this guide. Well hopefully there will be two additions. * Configuring your Eggdrop * Commands for Eggdrops And the last file that I will try to get finished for Issue 3 will be * Adding TCL Scripts to your Eggdrop Right thats the end. Shouts > Everyone I know on #oblivionmag, The rest of the Oblivion Team! Keep up the good work.. Cyber0ptix cyberoptix@email.com