0blivion2:(INTRO.txt):15/03/2000 << Back To 0blivion2

_____________________________________________________ / Oblivion Underground Magazine \ / Issue 2 15/04/2000 \ ▌ Introduction to Issue 2 ▌ \ by Cyber0ptix / \_____________________________________________________/ Introduction to Issue 2 ----------------------- Ohh FUCK! Its the 14th of April and just as I goto finish this issue all hell breaks loose. Well I got an Interview from Slider e-mailed to me. Went to add it to the texts that I had for this issue and what! Where the fuck has everything gone. I have a seperate partition with files on it, mostly Oblivion stuff and anything else I download. Well everything is OK except for the Oblivion Directory. Well managed to get most if it back just using scandisk and cuting and pasting the files it left me with. So it might have just saved the day. Hi there and welcome to the second installment of Oblivion Underground Magazine. Hope you all enjoyed the first issue and found it full of information that you want? Hopefully you did and that is why you have downloaded the second issue. If you liked it that much then maybe you have signed up to the mailing list and recieved this automatically in your mailbox this morning. Right so what a month it has been at Oblivion Mag! After the first issue came out people actually started to mention to us that it was a great magazine ;) Well what can I say! *Big Head Moment* Well over the last month since the first installment of Oblivion there have been a few changes here at Oblivion. First off we would like to thank Blocker for officially joining the team. He is going to be converting the mag into HTML that will be available for online viewing of to download in a nice handy .zip file. So if any of you out there are gonna write an article for the mag then maybe you can even include some diagrams or pics that will be available in the HTML version and if they are needed to allow the article to be read then they might even get included in the original text based version. Well the other night Slider and Blocker informed me that ShadowVX are wanting to affiliate with our group. We all agreed that it would be a great idea to get more people involved and try to cover as many topics as we could. So We now officially welcome ShadowVX as being our first official affiliate. Hopefully if any of their texts get in on time you might even be able to read some of them in this issue! We did have some concern about turning Oblivion into a Virii magazine with nothing but source code for virii, but let me assure you that we are not going to be heading in that direction. First off any articles that do cover virii will not include full source code for what they are demonstrating they will however include tips on new techniques that are being used to code virii, how they work and the impact that they are having. If you havent been on our channel on IRC then come down and check it out! We are currently residing on EFnet in #oblivionmag so come on in and see whos about! Just wanna give a big shout to a few of the peeps that are in there all the time..d3vlin, Trode, BRasCO and anyone else I have talked to in there. Well what else do we have for you this month? Well first off Slider seems to have written a lot of new articles ;) and me, well I have hardly written any this month due to the fact that I have just started a new job and am nearly at the end of the year at uni the work is starting to pile up. Dont worry though I will be continuing to do my part to make Oblivion the best mag available. Well in the spare time that I have had I have redesigned the website, although it still isn't brilliant it is a vast improvement on the last one. I am also in the process of registering our own domain name so keep an eye out for info on that. I will be changing the oblivionmag.cjb.net address to forward you to the new domain as soon as it is up and running ;) I have also set up an eggdrop bot in our channel to keep that up and running and to try and protect against channel takeovers. Luckily this hasn't happened yet, although the shell my bot was running on went down and the channel was left op-less till we got round to resetting the bots and getting it set back up. Hopefully when we get our domain name registered we may be in the position to offer out *cheap* or maybe even free POP3 email accounts on our domain e.g. handle@oblivionmag.org.uk Hopefully these will be going out for free so I will update you next month on what is happening as they should be sorted by then. If however we do decide to charge for them it will only be say ú5 per address and this will be a one off payment. Well if you do read this magazine then why not contribute to it. All you have to do is write an article on anything you like. Just pick a subject you know about and start typing. Then email it in to me at cyberoptix@email.com and you could be appearing in next months issue. Any articles that you do write do not have to be technical based, we do want to include some humour or generall interst articles on the mag. So write about anything you want. Well that wraps up the introduction for another month. I think I had now best start to type up some articles. Catch ya'll next month in Oblivion Underground Magazine Cyber0ptix - Editor cyberoptix@email.com http://www.oblivionmag.cjb.net #oblivionmag on EFnet Cyber0ptix.