E-Zine Vault ist eine Website, die alle elektronischen Zeitschriften, die von der 80 und 90 veröffentlicht und auf Mailboxen oder Internet verteilt hält.

Tenemos nuevos servers! || We Have New Servers!

Dado que el VPS donde th3 vault estaba hosteado se volvio muy caro ultimamente, movimos los servidores a un VPS en Alemania. Misma máquina por la mitad de precio! Hice la migración de la base de datos, la migración de los relizes y todo debería funcionar bien. Si podés leer esto, entonces la migración salió bien! :) ---------------------------------------------- Since the VPS where th3 vault was hosted got too expensive lately, we moved our servers to a cheaper VPS in Germany. Exactly same specs, half the price! I migrated the database, the relizes and everything should be working by now. If you can read this: the migration was successful! :)

Black Riderz Nº323 Released!

The plaintext ezine Black Riderz Nº323 is now available for all the interwebz l4rv4z. For more info, please visit Black Riderz wHQ website.

Vinilo is now available in the vault

Vinilo was an h/a/oth publication that has been inserted in the Vault database. Some of the people involved in this publication were , , , , , , .

hex is now available in the vault

hex was an h/c publication that has been inserted in the Vault database. Some of the people involved in this publication were , , , , , .

criptograma is now available in the vault

criptograma was an Cracking publication that has been inserted in the Vault database. Some of the people involved in this publication were , .

Barata Eletrica is now available in the vault

Barata Eletrica was an Hacking publication that has been inserted in the Vault database. Some of the people involved in this publication were .

x-pERiMENTAL gAGALoSKE is now available in the vault

x-pERiMENTAL gAGALoSKE was an Art (ascii/ansi) publication that has been inserted in the Vault database. Some of the people involved in this publication were .

Hall of Fame

Twitter: @PabloSabbatella who sent us a collection of e-zines which were part of the now defunct site hackemate.com.ar Twitter: @dubstar78, @rodolfof and @fede_k who sent forgotten and valuable files and contact info.

Bug reports and contact

Please, don't hesiate to report any bug found on the site; send ideas or just say hi to mateo . brennan (at) gmail If you can code, contact me!