Antilammer Zone3:(OUTKAST.TXT):21/11/2000 << Back To Antilammer Zone3

[19:34] *** Outkast ( has joined #winnuke [19:34] <Outkast> hello [19:35] <Outkast> how do you find peoples ip's so u can winnuke them? <puppet> Outkast: send email to asking for the person's ip <puppet> make sure you tell them why you want it [19:36] <Outkast> would i ask for the ip of their e-mail address or something? <puppet> yeah, that should work [19:37] <Outkast> and my reason would be to winnuke them? <puppet> yes [19:37] <Outkast> is there anyway u can winnuke through IRC or anything? <puppet> oh, I don't think so [19:37] <Outkast> ok [19:37] <Outkast> thanx for the info <puppet> sure thing :) [19:39] *** Outkast ( has left #winnuke <puppet> bwahahahahahaha! <puppet> I couldn't hold it in any longer [19:40] * LadyAnn is laughing hysterically! [19:40] <[Omega]> LOLOL!