hex12:(hex12-05.txt):26/08/2001 << Back To hex12

< ---------------------------- [ Hex Ezine ] ------------------------------- > < - [ Hack_The_Planet-HOWTO ] ---------------------------------------------- > < - [ by LPK ] ------------------------------------------------- (HEX12) --- > Esta guia va para todos aquellos que veian la pelicula Wargames y querian emular a David[01] y nunca pudieron por su incompetencia mental.[02] [01] el pendejo que se 'hackea' todo [02] o porque la vagancia los mata [03] [03] la hex12 salio tarde no por vagancia sino porque si (?) k d00d, let's g0..... root@hellyeah:~# telnet the.pla.net Trying Connected to the.pla.net. Escape character is '^]'. w0rld login: joshua password: joshua@planet:~$ w00 w00 w00 bash: w00: command not found! joshua@planet:~$ echo "d00d i wanna hack you, can you help me?" | mail root@localhost joshua@planet:~$ New Mail for joshua@localhost --- from: root@localhost mmm, i dont think so, but my boss pay me a few dollars and i wanna screw him... ok the password is ELBLiNDPASOPORAQUI ---- You have mail in /var/spool/mail/joshua joshua@planet:~$ echo j0j0j0j0 tnx j00 d00d | mail root@localhost joshua@planet:~$ logout Connection closed by foreign host. root@hellyeah:~# telnet the.pla.net Trying Connected to the.pla.net. Escape character is '^]'. w0rld login: root password: root@planet:~# j00000000000000000 j00000000000000000: command not found! root@planet:~# who root tty1 Aug 20 25:30 root ttyp0 Aug 39 02:61 root@planet:~# cd /var/www/.apache root@planet:/var/www/.apache# ls index.html lilplanet.gif gilada.png hex\ root@planet:/var/www/.apache# cd hex root@planet:/var/www/.apache/hex# ls hex01.txt hex05.txt hex09.txt hex11\ hex02.txt hex06.txt hex10.zip hex03.txt hex07.txt hex11.zip hex04.txt hex08.txt hex10\ root@planet:/var/www/.apache/hex# cd ..;mv index.html index.old;mcedit index.html params.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file "/etc/smb.conf": No such file or directory Can't load /etc/smb.conf - run testparm to debug it root@planet:/var/www/.apache# lynx the.pla.net kt0 0wnz j00 HEX THE PLANET !!!!!! Arrow keys: Up and Down to move. Right to follow a link; Left to go back. H)elp O)ptions P)rint G)o M)ain screen Q)uit /=search [delete]=history list root@planet:/var/www/.apache# cd ~ root@planet:~# echo thanks d00d > tnx.hex root@planet:~# logout Connection closed by foreign host root@hellyeah:~# echo un final a t0d0 METAAAAAAAAAAAAAL; mpg123 '/mp3/guaskor - si hay que tocar.mp3' un final a t0d0 METAAAAAAAAAAAAAL =============================================================================== Bien uds dicen "uh kewl, ahora se como hackear el planeta, pero lo eleet?" bueno la cosa esta aca. *** joshua@planet:~$ echo d0000d i wanna hack you, can you help me? | mail root@localhost *** Siempre por el camino de dios[04] y sin recurrir a la violencia, pero si por esas casualidades de la vida,los admines no estan/no quieren coopearar no nos queda otra opcion que hacer un mail bombing(?), usar un xploit o ir a las oficinas y atacarlos con su grupo de grill0s ninj4s[05] revoleando diskets de 3 1/4 explosivos para todos lados, y si la cosa se pone jodida, apelan a los cd de AOL y se les van a aflojar hasta las medias[06] [04] dios == Sentinelli [05] tipo "Exterminators 2"[07] [06] si no usan medias, se les afloja el estomago y ahi te quiero ver. [07] pero sin nico ni hector echeverria que suckeaban los 2 LPK